Welcome to Our News Blog: We Bring What You Need To Know Now
Dear Clients and Friends:
At PayFWDs, we are excited to launch this new website to support you in your search for quick information on our services and unified human capital management platform that reduces error, time spent, and generally adds efficient access to all your data. We are very much engaged in your day-to-day operations, and are happy to answer all your questions, providing platform training, and insight into how to get the most out of self-service tools for employees, job costing, and forecasting, in addition to compliance and tax law changes.
Our PayFWDs focus remains payroll and HR for companies and corporations like yours, in and around Louisville, KY, and we are delighted to be introduced to new business anywhere in the United States, including your other departments, divisions, and sister organizations.
We know that we can provide you with system security and reliable data exchange for the best in personalized service and expert consultation.
Our team continues to expand and we have added our team members to our website, so that you may connect and reach out for more intelligent client service.
We have forms on every section of the site, so you have easy access to asking those current questions from taxation to compliance to implementing new modules of our unified platform.
Let’s discover together how we can build upon our mutual referrals, and enhance with expansion the call to action for higher profitability and effective management of personnel and other resources.
On our site, you will find in the videos section, the opportunity to review our unified software platform in more detail.
Our case studies section will begin to highlight some of best practices we implement with you for corporate success throughout the region.
We have selected white papers, in that section, that we believe can assist you in running your business more efficiently and put up on a path to a corporate culture you can be proud of.
As news is the lifeblood of business growth and change management, we will continue to bring you a focused opportunity to see what is happening about town, how we are engaging in our communities we serve, and what you need to know about PayFWDs and our partners.
We welcome suggestions on what trends in payroll and HR you need to know more about, and, of course, with changing rules and regulations for compliance, we will keep you informed here.
Thank you for being a welcome addition to our PayFWDs family! We look forward to further engagement and celebrations as we step forward into a bright future together.
All the best wishes,
Eric Monks, President, PayFWDs